Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's a Dora song!

Sunday night we had a family boogie down party complete with Christmas music! Riley played her guitar, danced, sang and spun in circles! Bree played drums, sang and danced by rocking back and forth and shaking her cutie booty! Adam and I supervised, danced along with, clapped and made fools of ourselves...and we loved every minute of it!

At one point in our festivities, Adam and I were playing with Bree while Riley was spinning circles in the living room to the music. All of sudden Riley stopped, put her finger in the air and declared "It's a DORA SONG!". I reassured her that no, the tv wasn't on, so it isn't a Dora song. Thirty seconds later, I started really listening to which song it was because Riley was again declaring it was a Dora song. Lo and behold....it was Feliz Navidad! My smart little cookie realized that it was Spanish!

Sometimes Riley amazes me. She's a unique, silly, smart, special little girl. And she's mine. She makes me proud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so precious. Such a great memory for you and Adam. And the girls might even remember the fun.

Marlenne Ogden