Monday, January 18, 2010


Oh how I love naptime! Today we have an extra kiddo because our friends are bringing home their second baby, a boy, home today! Even with an extra kid, I still have all three down for naps at the same time. My two are actually sleeping because they are used to this time, but Grace is fighting it a bit. She's tired, but this is a new environment, new bed, and familiar, but different faces. However, her little eyes are soooo sleepy so I am sure she will be blissfully asleep soon.

Now, I get some quiet time for me. I am going to prep dinner and cut up some veggies to go with the pulled pork I am cooking. We are going to be having pulled pork fajitas with fried peppers and onion with refried beans and chips and salsa on the side. We will be sharing our dinner with Felix and Anneke so they do not have to worry about food tonight...they only need to bask in the glory of bringing home their new baby boy...and feeling complete as a family.

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