Sunday, March 7, 2010


Sickness has been creeping through our house. I woke up Wednesday with a sore throat that just got worse through out the day. I ended up going into urger care because I couldn't even swallow the saliva in my mouth without grimacing in pain. The doctor thought I had strep so I was sent home with antibiotics, and I was down and out for Thursday. I barely moved off of the couch. My good friend, Carrie Fay, was an angel and gave me some homemade rainbow chard soup (I think that's the way it's spelled) was delicious and just what I needed. Thankfully, Adam was able to take the day off because of how sick I was.

Friday was a tiny bit better, I still felt like a truck hit me, but Adam had to go to work. I sure wish he could have stayed home, but we managed. The girls watched a lot of cartoons. Every once in a while, kids are allowed to have a down day. And so is Mommy.

Unfortunately, Adam's work was ever so kind and thoughtful, and decided to put him on weekend duty so he was gone on Saturday as well. He was gone from 8 am to 9 pm. I was feeling a little ambitious and I built the girls a "cave" using our table, the table cloth, and a few extra sheets. I heard so many giggles and laughs that day...I think just the sound of those lifted my spirits.

Today Adam woke up with a sore throat just like the one I had on Wednesday so he went off to urgent care. He was sent home with the same diagnosis as I had. So Adam will have a follow up appt in the morning, and Riley needs to go to her pediatrician as well. She has an ear infection and needs to be checked out.

I am hoping that this sickness marches it's little booty right out of here...we don't need it or want it here....

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