Wednesday, August 18, 2010


At the beginning of July, approximately 6 weeks ago, Adam and I got a big surprise. A big fat positive pregnancy test. We weren't even fact we were actively not trying. So to say we were surprised was an understatement. The day that I told Adam, all he could say was "All righty then".

Our family at that time was preparing for Adam to leave in September for Korea to be gone for  a year. We had plans of Adam's parents watching the girls on his midtour so him and I could meet in Japan for a romantic vacation. As of right now, Adam has put in a humanitarian package to see if they will defer his orders until after the baby is born. With my problem pregnancy with Bree, we are both concerned that the same things will happen with this pregnancy.

Speaking of problems, this pregnancy has had a small issue so far. I have had a bleed with the placenta of this baby already. So I am taking it easy, not lifting heavy stuff (aside from the kids when necessary), and resting up. We had an ultrasound today and found out I still have a small bleed which is measuring one centimeter and it is on the edge of the placenta instead of behind it like it used to be. So it's smaller and is in a less dangerous place. (thank goodness) We would appreciate any prayers, good thoughts, and healing vibes about the safety and well being of the pregnancy.

During the ultrasound we had the baby looked great! The heartbeat was amazing to hear, and it was beating strong at 167. The baby even measured three days ahead of it's due date...made a Mama proud to know it's growing great! It was a little bugger and wouldn't move for the ultrasound tech no matter how much he jiggled and pushed on my belly. It took a half an hour to get the measurements that were needed because the baby wouldn't move. Right when the tech said that he just had to scan the rest of my uterus and ovaries the baby started moving. He was a great tech and let us just watch the baby move for a few minutes.

The official due date is March 6, 2011. The baby will however, be born at 36 - 37 weeks due to the "T cut" I have from previous c sections. Going any farther than that would be putting the baby's life, and my life in danger due to the risk of uterine rupture. My doctor will be keeping a close eye on me and it will be closer than most pregnant women get. I will get to go into the doctor twice a week for monitoring once I hit 25 weeks (when Bree was born). 

We are praying and hoping for a 37 week, 6 - 7 pound healthy little baby to hold in our arms in February. In the meantime, I will take care of myself in order to help this baby grow, Adam will support and help me as much as he can (which he's been great at!), and Riley will teach Bree all the tricks of the trade of being a great big sister. We welcome and appreciate any and all prayers, good thoughts, and well wishes!


Stacie said...

WoooWhoooo! Congratulations! Here's to a big, healthy 36/37 weeker next year!

Aimee V said...

Congratulations again! I am so happy for you and your family :) Wishing you a very healthy, happy and uncomplicated pregnancy.


IASoupMama said...


Marlene Ogden said...

Been-a-waiting for today and the results. Looking good, huh? So just continue taking really good care of yourself and hopefully your baby will mature. Will be praying for you all.

Cheyenne and John said...

Congrats! My prayers are with you guys through this pregnancy. :)