Friday, September 4, 2009

Sisterly love

So, I think I am going to jump around a bit. I don't want to 'bore' you with the recanting of Bree's past year of life, so I will do a day on, day off type of scenario. Today will be the off day of my storytelling. Now onto the sisterly love...

Our girls are growing and learning to interact with each other more every day. Riley takes the time to say hi to Bree every morning, and if for some reason she gets  up before Bree she runs around the house going "Where's Bree? I don know?!". She gives Bree kisses and hugs, and shows her how to dance (by taking her hands and jerking them every which way while screaming "Dance Bree Dance!!!!!!"). However, it is done with good intentions so, I do not stop it until Riley gets too wild with the arm flinging.

Not to be outdone, Bree is learning how to pick on Riley. If Riley is standing near her and holding a blanket/long toy/anything that drags, Bree will roll over and try to grab it. Nine times out of ten she is successful! I know that one day I will hate hearing these exact words, but hearing Riley screech "Bree STOP IT!" is music to my ears.

Since this is Labor Day weekend, we are going out to my aunt and uncle's house to spend some time with them...and I will not be posting this weekend. I am taking a bit of time off to enjoy watching my two little girls pick on each other...lovingly of course. :)

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