Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thank you...and let the pondering begin!

Thank you for all your suggestions and tips on the bedtime fiasco! Adam and I had a busy day today, and haven't gotten a chance to 'pow wow' together and discuss this all. I do agree with Danielle, that we need to set some rules and stick to them. Lately, we've been going with the flow, and bending the rules back and forth. I am afraid that is what has cause our current predicament. Tonight, I just put her in her room with the gate up, said goodnight and walked away. I was able to do what I needed to for Bree, and listen to hear what Riley was up to. She played for a few, then fell asleep on her bean bag. I just went in and moved her to the bed, so that seemed to have worked for tonight. I think for a while I might be moving her toys out of her room and only leaving a few 'night time' appropriate toys, like stuffed animals and books. Just until she gets the hang of this "bedtime" thing. :)

On a side note, after the fiasco on the last house we tried to buy (it ended up having issues with the title and having to cancel our purchase) we went looking for houses again today and found a promising one. Sooooo, we are starting this process again. Wish us luck!

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