Thursday, November 26, 2009

Silly, snuggly, happy

Quick post this evening as I have to get to bed so I can get up SUPER EARLY to go shopping....

We spent Thanksgiving as just the four of us this year. It was kind of nice, and we spent the day running  a few errands, cooking, and beginning to pull out the Christmas stuff. When we sat down to eat dinner we all decided (okay, Adam and I decided) that we would each have a small glass of egg nog to go with our dinner. Riley had never had it so when she took a drink, her little eyes lit up and she said "ICE CREAM!!!!!!" She absolutely loved it! Adam and I didn't have the heart to tell her it wasn't ice cream. Come on, she thought we were the best parents in the world for letting her drink ice cream with her Thanksgiving dinner.

Now, with that being said..for SOME reason she didn't eat too much of her dinner. Adam had already finished his plate and when Riley looked over and saw his plate empty she decided she was done too. Adam told her to go ahead and make her plate empty. She picked up her plate and put it on top of Adam's empty plate and said "Ta - duh!". Ha little girl!

I am thankful for my silly, snuggly, happy little family.

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