Saturday, November 28, 2009

Weekend post?!

Since I missed yesterday's post...(I was exhausted last night!!!) I would like to ask a small question to all of you who have kids. When you go out, do you get stopped and commented on your kiddos? We always get comments on how sweet and smiley our girls are. It warms my heart to hear others compliment their behavior when out in public (which we sometimes get the opposite when Riley is in time out in the store....screaming on the ground). I am grateful for the kindness of strangers, and for the ability of my children to put a smile on the face of someone. I guess the Christmas spirit is starting to stir inside of me as we drag out our Christmas decorations this weekend.

So, at least once a day, compliment a complete stranger, or hold open a door, or help an elderly lady pick up a dropped package...pass on the love and encourage others to do the same. You'll be surprised how much of a difference it can make in someone's day.


The Pentz Family said...

yes, I ALWAYS get comments on Lil Teddy! Just when I am stressed to the max with him over something small and non important, someone will come up and say hi to him and ask me if he is always so well behaved. It really puts things into perspective, and I'm appreciative of them.

Joy said...

Yes, quite a lot. And I love it, as long as they don't try to touch him.
Tonight we went to dinner and I got up to wait in the waiting area while my husband and friends were getting theirselves together. One of the hostesses came and brought Robbie one of the pagers and set it off so he could be amused by the lights and vibration. Such a small thing, but it was adorable.

Anonymous said...

It's so great you get ask about the girls. Just shows what great parents you both are. Course the kids being so cute helps too.

Marlene Ogden