Monday, March 1, 2010

Morning of insanity

This week I am observing in an elementary school not too far from home. Today, I was glad it was not too far from home because, boy oh boy!, did we have a crazy day. Riley had an appt with her orthopedic surgeon; the same one she saw when she was 9 months old for her hip. This time it was about her elbow that seems to like to dislocate.

So this morning went like this:

I left at 8 for school.

Adam took Bree to a friend's house around 8:30 ish and went home to grab Riley's diaper bag and get into the car to take her to her orthopedic appt.

8:45: Adam gets a call from friend watching Bree that her dog bit Bree. Adam high tails it there to check on Bree, and calls to arrange a doctor appt for Bree.

9:00: Friend takes Bree to the doctor while Adam picks me up at school to accompany him to Riley's doctor appt. I have a mild 30 second freak out, then am okay.

10:00 ish: Both girl's doctor appts went well. Bree is on another antibiotic to prevent infection since one dog 'tooth' pierced her cheek. Riley will not need surgery at all for her elbow issue. As long as it can be popped back in every time, all is well. If for some reason it won't, they will cast her arm in a specific position to force the ligament into the correct position. This is very rare and does not happen often.

The rest of the day went well, but we are obviously hoping for a much better morning tomorrow.

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