Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 28, 2008

Good morning all!

I called this morning at the usual time we call for updates (6:15) and got a good report on little Miss Bree. She did have to be re-intubated last night...which means that her tube that is hooked up to the ventilator, and that goes into her mouth and then into her lungs had to be taken out and changed. When Adam and I were there yesterday I had commented that it looked like it was loose and was coming out. It was moving more than usual and I had tried to move it to where it was more stable. Supposedly last night, they think the tube slipped out of her lungs because her oxygen saturations dropped and her heartreate dropped as well, so they reintubated her and she recovered right away. She was just letting them know that there was a problem.

Since they reintibated her, her blood gases have been really good still. She has still not had any issues with the feeds (thank goodness!), so all is well! The nurse from yesterday, Becky, made a comment to me that Bree is such a fiesty little girl! They were trying to draw some blood for a blood gas and she was kicking, flailing, and giving them a run for their money. She was doing everything she could to not let them draw her blood. Ha ha...that's my girl! Also yesterday, when I was trying to get a picture of her on Adam's phone she kept putting her hand over her I was the paparazzi or something. I think we have a little drama queen on our hands here!

Hope this finds everyone happy, healthy, and in love with life!

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