Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hold your babies tight tonight

The horrible earthquake in Haiti seems to have put things into perspective for some people. Myself included. Not that I don't appreciate my family, but Riley is quick to irritate me, Bree seems to always be underfoot, and Adam is always leaving a trail of shirts he has already worn strewn about on the ground or the couch.

At least my children and husband are still alive to irritate me, be underfoot, or leaving dirty clothes in inconvenient piles and not dead in the street or crushed under a collapsed building. My heart breaks for the orphaned children, the now childless mothers, or the fathers who cannot find their families. I cannot imagine the grief, panic and anxiety they are going through. The thought of it bring tears to my eyes.

So tonight, I held Bree longer at bedtime. I kissed her little face, and squeezed her tight. When it was Riley's bedtime, she got to rock longer, read the same book three times, and I have indulged her with "Rock-a-bye baby" about thirty times.However, I still do not feel that is enough. So, I will appreciate more.

I will appreciate that my husband does the dishes, AND dumps the garbage and recycling.

I will appreciate Riley and her wonderful sense of humor.

I will appreciate that Bree can crawl, and is striving to learn more.

I will appreciate that I am alive.

I will appreciate that I CAN appreciate.


Ashley said...

I love you!

Traci said...

awesome post!

Becky said...

Thanks Tasha! It's been a long day here today and reading your post really helps me feel better tonight. We are really blessed with the families we have! Prayers to all those suffering tonight~

Unknown said...

So true sweetie, so true! Hug those babies tight, all three!

Anonymous said...

Your message should make us all appreciate more. We are all so fortunate(even we we don't appreciate all that we do have.) Thanks for reminding me. Love you
Marlene Ogden