Thursday, January 14, 2010


Priorities in life are a funny thing sometimes. Usually, the priorities you need to address are not the ones you really want to. Like picking up the living room, or mopping the floor, or finishing college that seems to be dragging on forever. Wait, those are all MY priorities.

I am so over school. I know I must finish in order to not waste the money that we have spent on my education so far. We have over $20,000 out on school loans. However, since I started school our plans and priorities have changed. We were planning on me starting to teach part time right after I finished my degree. At least enough that I could pay for my student loans. Now with Bree we do not feel that that is an option. She still needs special care with her G tube and neither of us feel comfortable leaving her with a babysitter or a daycare. We do not want to impose on our friends as we feel that we have hurt some friendships by asking them to watch Riley too much due to Bree's needs. We don't know what we are going to do when my student loans become due. My friend Anneke has gotten a forebearance (spelling?) on her student loans and will try to help me get the same.

So, for now...I finish school because I must. Because it is a priority. Because wasting money is a sin (it is, isn't it?). Priorities suck sometimes.


Anne said...

That's a tough decision you have there. Can you do a very limited part time school? Maybe some online courses you can do from home? Leaving Eliza to return to work was the hardest thing I had to do, but much to my surprise (and relief) and with the blessing of a wonderful woman to care for her while I work, she has done really well.

Angela Giles said...

Hi Tasha,

There are also deferments available for student loans due to economic hardship and other circumstances. I am not sure if it is the same with every lender but with deferments, no interest accrues - which is the case with forbearances. Warren and I have ACS ( as the company who services our loans. With them, you can use deferments and forbearances for up to 36 months, but every 12 months requires a renewal. Let me know if you need any you can tell I have had some practice in the area =)