Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Straight from the mouths of babes

Now we all know that Riley is a talker...she tends to get that from me. As much as Riley is a talker, Bree is the opposite. It is going to be so interesting seeing these two grow up through the years. Even though Bree is less of a talker than Riley was at her age, she does still utter and use a few words correctly. The words that she uses are:




All done (sounds like Ah-du, complete with shaking of hands)

Her speech therapist reassures me that this is completely acceptable for a one year old. I have nothing to compare it to except super speech Riley. For example, Riley and Grandma were playing with some stuffed animals two days ago. Riley had a monkey she was making say Oooo ah ah!, and Grandma had a frog that she was making to say Oooo ah ah!. Riley DID NOT like that and kept correcting Grandma, "It say Ribbi Ribbi!!!!". Well, after a few rounds of that, Riley clapped her hand on her forehead and said "I don't KNOW what to do with you!!!" Grandma and I just busted up laughing...it was so appropriate and cute!

Another story...last night the girls and I went to a friends house (Carrie Fay and Fernando's). On the way there, Riley was watching the previews to whatever movie was in the DVD player. About 30 seconds from their house, Riley proclaims "I watching a woowie (movie)....I need a cokcorn (popcorn)!". Now, I think we have only watched a movie and ate popcorn about twice in her lifetime. She is one smart cookie....or should I say, one smart kernel!

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