Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Crazy busy week!

So, my updates this week are going to be few and far between. Today we had Bree's GI appt at 9 am, and her Synagis shot appt was at 1 pm. Adam's Dad aka Papa is here to help us out with these busy times so he was able to watch Riley for me. Of course, Riley threw a raging fit each time Bree and I left for an appt. The second time it was so bad that she threw all of her raviolis on the floor off of her high chair.

Bree was 8 lbs, 9.2 ounces today at her GI appt. We are backing down on her Enulose (poop medicine) and going up on her Prevacid (acid reflux med). Besides that nothing else is new. Her Synagis shot went pretty well, the usual crying and what not with shots and poor little baby pain.

Here's the rest of the week for us:

Playdate with Aleasha and Ethan at 9 am
Bree's nuerology appt down at Phoenix Children's at 4 pm

Playdate with Iliyah and Nathan in the morning? (possibility)
Bree's pulomonology appt at Phoenix Children's at 130 pm
Adam and I have a meeting with Pastor Steven in the evening

Bree's Physcial Therapy that comes to our house at 11am

To top off our crazy week, I just had to take a break from writing this blog to go comfort Riley as I noticed she hasn't been feeling well today. Just a little coughing, disinterest in food, etc. Her crying just didn't sound right so I went to check on her and yup! she had thrown up all over her bed. So, we are going to have a rough week....but we'll make it through! One day at a time.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Busy schedule indeed. So glad Papa is there to help you with Riley. Hope her condition tonight isn't catching.(you don't have time for anything more) Sorry she throws such a fit when you and Bree have to leave.
Take good care
Love you all