Monday, November 24, 2008

November 24, 2008

FOUR POUNDS!!!!!! Woooooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!What a big girl. She broke the four pound mark last night! She is actually exactly four pounds today.

Another exciting event that happened yesterday was that she had another eye exam. Now, the nurses don't tell me the results for some reason(it is left for me to decipher in the form of a note from the opthamologist), but they do tell me when the next one is scheduled. The farther apart they are, the better her eyes are. When her ROP went to a stage two she was having them every week. She had one yesterday, and the next one is not next week, but the week after! That means that it is getting better!!! Yee haw!

Her feeds are up to 33 cc's a feeding (which it will probably go up once they calculate her weight increase), and she is still nippling every other. Drinking from a bottle really wears her out, so that's all she can handle right now. However, it is so so exciting that she is now slightly reaching the milestones that we have been being told about for the past two months. (Drinking from a bottle, reaching four pounds, etc)

Her oxygen is still on, and it is at .4 liters and 35% oxygen. However, every little bit is a step forward and a celebration within itself! Today, we are taking Riley to see Santa, hopefully it doesn't end in tears! She has started to have some of the stranger anxiety so we'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tasha & Adam,
Thank You for sharing GOD's Blessing with the rest of us.

I canNOT wait for the day I/We can meet Baby Bree :) :)

I am so so very very Happy for ALL of you.

Bree is Truly a Testimony of GOD.
Bree will have a testimony that will shine God's Glory.

Steve & Ginger