it bad that we spend enough time at the local children's hospital that I recognize when they have redecorated a bench? Not just A bench...two in fact! Bree and I got to spend a lovely half day together just her and I. No, it was a Mommy/littlest daughter was a "Bree-possibly-might-have-an-infected/granulation-tissued/displaced-g-tube" sort of day.
We started out the day as any other. However, when Adam went to feed her (after coming home from working all night), he fed her and then two minutes later up it all came. Now her g-tube has been looking pretty nasty as of lately despite my every two hour cleaning attempts the past two days. It has been oozing so much it was forming scabs that when I would remove the pad to replace it with a clean and fresh one it would tear off and cause her g tube site to start bleeding.
After this mornings vomit attack, I said "ENOUGH!" (okay, I didn't really yell it out loud, but in my head I did) and called the surgeon who deals with the mechanics of the tube itself. They rushed us into an appt at 945, so Bree and I were off! (Leaving poor tired Adam home with pee pee puddles Riley). During the appt, Dr. Rowe was concerned with the amount of drainage we were having so she took the opportunity to burn off a lot of excess granulation tissue in hopes that this was the culprit of the leaking and oozing. She also told us Bree would be having a placement study done today...which they scheduled at the soonest time....2.
That's right...2 in the afternoon (and Bree was not allowed to have anything put into her belly for food). So...Bree and I hung around at the hospital making the rounds. We went and visited her first home, the NICU, where the receptionist, Auntie Courtnee, and Becky all oohed and aahed over her and remarked how big she was. In fact, she was so big that Miss Becky kept having to boost her up while holding her. How great it is to have a chubby child! (and to think she started at 1 lb!)
Bree and I grabbed some lunch (okay, I did!) and headed out to the playground/garden area where I noticed the said newly refinished bench. It is a little different from the rest and the black and white contrast of the bench really doesn't fit in too much with the brightly colorful bead encrusted other benches. (Can you tell we've been there a bit too much?)
After eating a wonderful baked potato for lunch we then went and checked in for her study. We happened to see our other friends (who also seem to call the hospital home!) Anneke and Felix while they were enjoying lunch with a friend. (Their daughter Grace, is in the hospital once again for suspected H. Pulori infection and some lung issues too) Once we were called back for Bree's study it only took ten minutes and all checked out well! Bree and I packed up the car (stroller, diaper know the usual!) and headed off into the sunset towards home.
(Okay, so I am exaggerating a was only 4 pm. But it felt like we should have been heading into the sunset with how long of a day it was.)
OH! And that other newly refinished is one of the ones outside. In case you were wondering. And, that one matches quite nicely with all the others.