Thursday, December 3, 2009

Typing and tape

Tonight as I was (and am) typing, Adam is taking his turn at taping. Taping Christmas presents that is! Being a military family has made us to where we need to get presents out pronto! That post office gets busy fast around the holiday season and the earlier we can get our presents out to the family the better! We are about 3/4 of the way finished so hopefully we can have them sent off to family by the end of next week.

Another type of tape we are dealing with right now is red tape. All the documents and papers necessary for Adam to be prepared to go to Korea for a year need to be filled out. He got his orders yesterday for Korea. He will be leaving in early September 2010. So, he will just miss the girl's bdays, and we will miss his. However, we have a few friends that have been through the Korea deployment already who are offering some wonderful advice and help.

We as a family knew this would be coming soon so it does not catch us off guard at all. However, as I am sure you can all imagine...the idea of being without a member of your family for a year is not ideal. Necessary for the safety and service of our country...but not ideal for the family.

Yes, he is not going to a "declared" war zone, but he is going to to South Korea...which is really close to North Korea. The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-il, is not the most sane man on this planet and he likes to launch missiles and create nuclear weapons. So, tell me, would you feel safe if your loved one was sent there? (I have already had many comments of "at least he's not going to a war zone" and I am already tired of them)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

On top of my game

Today, I felt on top of my game. It was a busy crazy filled day, but it was a day that I felt was productive. I went grocery shopping twice (because I forgot to buy baby food the first time), Bree had speech where she ate half a thing of yoplait yogurt for Stacy, I wrapped presents (which I need to go do again after this), deep cleaned Bree's crib, put away laundry, made dinner, fed Bree, played with kids, made Riley help me pick up the living room, got them both into bed (Bree was 15 minutes early), and now I am here.

I still have a few hours left that I can do things in, so off I go!

BUT...not without a fun story from today! You didn't think I would leave it at that...did you? Bree has been a sitting up machine lately, and Riley is not without her own little advances as well. Riley decided to put her crayons to bed today. She put them in her little people christmas stable, shut the gate (or gape as Riley would say), and got down on all fours, leaned her head on the ground to say "G'night!!". She then informed me that they are tired and are going to sleep. In order for them to be put back where they belonged we had to take each of them out, name them by color and put them to bed (in the red bucket we have). "Good night orange. Good night blue. Good night red. Good night black. Good night gray. Good night brown."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And...we're off!

School has started yet again for me so on Tuesday and Thursday nights the posts may be a little skimpy. That's okay though because I will make up for it!

Today Bree had the measurements taken on her eyes for her surgery next Wednesday. He said there was a slight deviation from last month but nothing horrible. So, the plan is for on Wednesday the 9th to have her surgery. We'll know more details next Monday when they set the time for surgery.

No news yet today on Grandma. I tried to call a few moments ago and got a busy signal on their phone. So, that means at least someone is home. I will try again before I go to bed.

Riley also came up with a cute new thing today. She was trying to get a ball that was stuck just out of her reach, and all of sudden she stops, puts her pointer finger in the air and says "Have an IDEA!!!!!". She went and got a stool to stand on, and then could reach it. I have NO clue where she learned that from, but now everything is an "IDEA!" from her. :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Prayers for Grandma

I would really appreciate it if you all could keep my Grandma in your prayers. She lost the eyesight in her right eye on Wednesday and after visiting the eye doctor found out today that she will be having surgery to repair a detached retina tomorrow morning. She was told that only 1 in 5000 ever have this condition and there is no known cause. Somehow her retina detached and folded itself in half...the surgery is tomorrow at 10:00 am pacific time.

My Grandma, (or Nana as Riley calls her), is the best grandma that there is. No really...she is. She can make ya anything you want or need, whether it be a blanket, some homemade mac and cheese or a new Christmas bow to hang out on the lights in the front of the house. (Can you tell I just hung the bows she made me last year?) She has the biggest heart you can imagine and would give you the shirt off of her back if you needed it. I have learned so much from her and I proud to say that in many ways I am like her. It is not just the color of our eyes that we share, but we both delight in helping others, making crafty 'stuff', and we both cherish and love our family.

We love you Grandma/Nana and we wish we were closer so we could come take care of you after your surgery tomorrow! We will be praying and sending eye healing vibes your way! XOXOXO!