Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Role reversal...and other things

In our house for the past two days we have had a role reversal. Normally it is Riley that we are telling "I am busy with Bree, you need to wait a minute and I will get to you when I am done with Bree...thank you!" However, we undertook the tremendous task of potty training Riley. So now, it is Bree that is being left on the floor playing alone because sister has peed all over the floor.

This is not without good cause because we have had successes. Today (just a half an hour ago) she recognized she needed to go, ran to the potty, and went pee in the potty!!! After a massive love and praise fest she got to have some chocolate and watch a cartoon of her choosing. (Wubbzy of course!)

One thing that the girls are on the same page about is language! They are both talking up a storm! Bree's is more ah-oh, ba-ba, bo-ba, and EeeeeEEEE, but it is progress and it is great to hear new noises out of her everyday. This morning she said "Mom" clear as day, but I am sure we will not be hearing that again for a bit. She has been imitating noises she is hearing but I do not think she recognizes them for what they are. So far she has said, Mom, bye, and up. However, we have heard each of these on one occasion and not since then.

Riley on the other hand is pairing up old words, creating new ones and learning new ones every day! Just the other day in the car she started cracking up and saying "Ha ha ha fuuunnnn-eeee Grandma! Ha ha ha ha fuuuuunn-eee Oooba! Ha ha ha ha fuuunnnn-eeee Ya ya! Ha ha ha ha!" She named off every person she could think of. Adam and I just sat in the car and laughed with her it was too cute!

On a personal note, I am going to go back to posting every day on here. I am waiting too long between posts, and then I am trying to cram all this info into a "update" post. So, come with me on my journey...there might be some late night nonsense posts, but it's all in the spirit of fun, right?

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