Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jealousy of a different type

Today, I witnessed something that I never thought I would see. Riley was jealous of Bree's g tube and pump. Really. She was.

Bree has been being fed on her pump for the past few days. She is just getting too big and active to gavage feed her. (Gavage feed refers to us having the formula in a big syringe and letting gravity feed it into her tummy. This takes about 10-15 minutes) She kicks and moves and ends up pulling the tube from her g tube and spilling formula and stomach juices everywhere. ICK!

So, we have been feeding her on her pump while she sits in her high chair. We spoon feed her some puree foods while it is going so she can learn to associate the "I put something in my mouth, and my tummy feels full" feeling. However, that does not have much to do with the story. (just a small fact of our life) So, Bree's pump and feeding bag goes in this little black backpack that sits next to her high chair. Today, I found Riley holding the backpack trying to push the extra tubing onto her stomach. Mind you, it is still attached to Bree and actively feeding her.

After a mild freak out, (okay, so more medium instead of mild), I get it taken away from Riley and Riley starts throwing a fit saying "Riley turn! Riley turn! Not BREE'S! RILEY'S!!!!!!" I managed to get her calmed down and tried to explain that Bree can't eat with her mouth, so she uses her machine and her tube to eat. What did I get from that you ask? Riley answered "Okay, Riley tube!" and tried to get the backpack. After much more explaining, I don't think Riley accepted it any better, but she stopped trying to steal the backpack. For today at least.

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