Tuesday, November 10, 2009

An update here, and an update there...

....here an update, there an update everywhere an update! (Can you tell we've been singing the old nursery rhymes?)

So, for a change...Riley first! She is growing so fast it just amazes me. She's developing a sense of humor and a sense of independence for sure! Everything is "I do it!" or "I try!". Her speech development is just flying along...she can now use tasty and delicious in the correct context. However, there are somethings she does not pronounce correctly. Her favorite show to watch is Backyardigans...which she pronounces "Backass". I am unsure how she thinks that is correct, but we are hoping that with gentle repitition she will get it right...one of these days.

Her sense of humor just cracks me right up! Tonight she found it necessary to act like she was eating every pumpkin on the page. "yum yum yum! Tasty!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! It funny Mommy...laugh! Ah ha ha ha!"

Our little Bree is doing just as good as her older sister! With help and support, she can stay up on her hands and knees and rock back and forth. Woo hoo! While we are still a while away from crawling, at least it is a beginning.

Bree had her eye doctor appt today and things didn't go as well as I had hoped, but we are taking it in stride. Bree will be having surgery on December 9th to correct her strabismus (crossed eyes). If anyone that reads the blog has any experience with this surgery, please do share! I like to be as prepared and informed as I can be. I am sure all will be fine, but still...ya know?

Oop! I hear Bree fussing! Better go and take care of the little cutie!

1 comment:

Joy said...

YAY for rocking!
No experience with eye surgery specifically, but prayers coming that everything goes well.