Thursday, February 18, 2010

A change in course

We have a change in Bree's antibiotic course. I got a call from the doctor today saying that the antibiotics we had her on were inefficient against the type of bacteria that Bree had. The cultures they took had started to grow and they were able to tell what kind of bacteria she had. When they first discovered she had a UTI they just put her on the most usual course of antiobiotics that typically clear up whatever it is. Now that they know for sure what it is, we hope this antibitotic will work well..and fast. Poor kiddo.

Kids this young are not suppose to get UTI infections (? not sure why), so they will be doing some extra testing on her to make sure all her anatomy is correct. She will have an ultrasound of her kidneys, and have some dye injected into her bladder through a catheter while they watch where it goes. If it goes back up into her kidneys (which is bad) we may be looking at surgery for her at worst, or keeping her on a low dose of antibiotics to help prevent infection.

Only time will tell. So for now we give this antibiotic once a day for the next ten days. And pray for her relief and healing.

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