Friday, May 7, 2010


Potty training H.E. double hockey sticks. That's what we've been in. We are going to give it one more full day of trying and if it continues the way it is going we are going to go back to diapers.

She wets and won't tell us. She fights us to sit on the potty. We have resorted to giving her an M&M every time she even sits on the potty. It's the only thing that works. We've had no pee or poop in the potty yet. It's been two days.

How do people do this? I think she is not ready. Her preschool tells me that she does all the motions (sitting on the potty and showing interest). Her at home is a different story. So we give the good old fashioned all in try for one more day. One. more. day.


Fiery said...

Find out exactly how they are doing it at School and do it exactly the same way.

Most likely they just have her remove her own diaper and throw it away (unless dry)and then sit on the potty, wipe herself and then put a new diaper on her then have her wash hands on a 2hr schedule or so(adjust for things like meals and naps etc). If she has a BM they likely clean her up on the changing table then have her go sit.

That is the method I used with S and the same we used in the centers. I made a big deal about sitting, and a bigger deal when she actual went. Then moved to not commenting on sitting and making a deal only if she went. Then once she was staying dry we moved to underwear. It can take a few weeks before they will actually go in the potty but it does go faster if your consistent and just be matter of fact about what is going on.

Good Luck.

theamaros said...

Call me tomorrow and we can chat... we're on the other side of this, about done... but still remember all the beginning stuff like it was yesterday.