Thursday, October 14, 2010

Anatomy ultrasound

So my ultrasound looked great! Derrick is still a "he", they were just double checking since they had to do an ultrasound anyways. Everything looks great, his heart, lungs, brain, bladder and stomach are all correctly formed. They could not get a good picture of his spine because of his position so they will not "clear" him yet as being medically sound. So I have another ultrasound in two weeks to check his spine.

So here's my weirdo things I kept track of. :) I am technically 19 weeks and 4 days.

His head circumference was measuring 19 weeks and 0 days. (both Riley and Bree have head circumferences that are labeled as "small" or on the lower end of the percentages)

His belly circumference was 20 weeks and 0 days.

His femur bone measured at 19 week and 5 days.

So all in all he seems well. I am excited to get to see him again in two weeks, but am still a little worried that they weren't able to get the correct measurements today.

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