Monday, April 4, 2011

Mr. Sensitivity

We got off pretty easy with Bree when it came to allergies and sensitive skin. She does have some reactions to certain brands of medical tape, and sunburns really easily. However, that is the extent of her being sensitive.

Mr. Derrick is a different story. Here is what we have learned about our littlest man so far:

 - He is allergic to laundry soap and fabric softener that is not "free and clear".

 - He is allergic to the antibiotic ointment they gave us for his eye.

 - He has reflux. Which is something we are very aware of because of Bree. Right now, his is being managed by adding rice cereal into the breast milk that I pump for him. His coughing has almost stopped completely since we started this.

We are still learning things about our little guy, but we are also learning how to adapt and help him to feel better. Hopefully this is all that he is going to be sensitive with, but only time will tell.

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