Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's G tube time!

As you all know, Bree has an NG feeding tube. It is the tube that goes in her nose, down her throat and into her tummy. This is because she is unable to drink bottles on her own. We are not sure of the exact cause of why she cannot drink them, but we are sure it is a number of factors. These factors include, but are not limited to: her prematurity itself, she could have some brain damage from her brain bleeds that are affecting her coordination with sucking, or it could just be her personality. Even with weekly speech therapy we are unable to succeed. So, we are moving along with placing a g tube. She will be having g tube placement surgery on Thursday at two. It will be at PCH with Dr. Dorothy Rowe and her GI doctor. Here is a brief overview of what the G-tube surgery or more commonly called a "PEG" (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) will be like: click here!

The sugery will take less than an hour and we will be staying overnight on Thursday for sure. I have heard some people say it is a 3-5 day stay, while the surgeon we have said some kids go home the day after if they are having no problems. Personally, I am going to push to get her out of that hospital as fast as possible before she can catch anything that is in there! I can always call the doctor's from our house if I need some guidance or some answers to questions. We expect Bree to be sore and not feel like herself for a bit but we hope that with rest and a few days she will start feeling better.

This surgery and placement will not change a lot of things for us. We will still offer her a bottle before she has anything 'pumped' into her. Whatever she doesn't finish after twenty minutes of trying with the bottle will be put on her pump and put in. The main changes with this G tube will be getting all that yucky nasty white tape off of her face (!!), and getting the tube out of her throat. I am excited to see what new noises she will be able to make, and if she does better with drinking bottles without a tube in her throat. I think I would...don't you?

I will keep all of you updated on Thursday so all of your positive thoughts, prayers, well wishes, or whatever you do to be thinking and hoping for the best for others is welcomed and appreciated! We love you all and I thank you for taking this journey with us!

1 comment:

Mommy Peters said...

You know I will be thinking of you guys! I always am... I'm sure she will do great and hopefully having that icky tube out of her throat will bring all sorts of new found talents!