Sunday, October 3, 2010

What a weekend!

We are home-bodies. We like to stay home, to play in the backyard, watch movies and just be lazy. That's what we have done today. However, yesterday is another story.

We had planned on going to the park on Saturday and taking the girls 2 and 3 year old pictures. (coming soon!) When you live in Arizona that means you better get to the park early to beat the heat. So we went to the park about 830, took pictures, walked around and played on the playground. Then we ran some errands that needed to be done like paying rent, and going shopping to Target and Walmart. We even shared a pretzel and soda at Target (my favorite!).

On the way home we got a call from Anneke offering for us to go with them to a Hope Kids carnival with them. We jumped on the chance to go do something fun with friends! We ran home, dropped off our groceries, and met up with the Marchese family. We had a good time at the carnival and even met up with Andrea and her family. Riley seems to have developed her first crush on Owen, telling me that he was cute and wanting to go say hi to him. Of course she acted shy once we went over to him, but when we split up from them she had wanted to know where the "cute boy went".  We'll have to get together with them soon!

It was dreadfully hot, but worth the fun. Both girls got a "face" painting (Riley wanted hers on her leg), and they got to go down an inflatable slide with their Daddy. We learned that Riley likes cotton candy, and Bree does not at all. It was a great event and I need to look into our family joining Hope Kids. I'm pretty sure Bree meets the criteria for joining, but had never considered it a possibility prior to this.

We took the long way home in hopes that both girls would nap, but oddly enough only Riley napped. Bree was content yelling and hollering the whole way home. We stopped to get Adam's hair cut on the way home, and that was another 45 minutes. We finally made it home at 430 and we were spent! Both girls were kinda naughty for the rest of the night from being so tired so we decided to stay home today.

Home sweet home.

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