Saturday, September 20, 2008

September 15, 2008

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Hello all!This update is a little later in the day than usual, but not without good reason. I got to see Bree this morning!!! The pictures are up on flickr ( and I will attach a few to this message as well. She is doing well today. I got a lot of good information from the Physicians Assistant about her brain bleeds, eating, and everything else. Bree actually has two brain bleeds, one in each ventricle of her brain. There are four stages to brain bleeds (with four being the worse) and Bree's are at a stage two. I have not researched too much into this yet, but I will either today or tomorrow. She told us that the danger of brain bleeds is really only present in the first ten days of life so we are halfway out of the danger zone!Bree was weaned off of her dopamine today, which is a heart medication to help her heart pump stronger. She is doing well off of it. The reason for them wanting to wean her off of it as soon as possible is because once she is off all heart medications she can start eating! They will feed her about a teaspoon at a time of my breastmilk through a tube that will be put up her nose and into her tummy. This will happen twice a day. Even with preemies, breastmilk is still best so I am pumping and taking it up to the hospital for them to freeze for her. On a more personal note, I think Bree is so beautiful! It is truly a miracle and it is amazing to see a baby so small alive and moving. Thank goodness for modern medicine! We had the chaplain at the NICU stop and pray with us today over her, and I feel so blessed to be her Mama. Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes...LoveAdam, Tasha, Riley and Bree

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