Sunday, February 8, 2009

Getting stronger!

Bree is doing much better! She now weighs...are you ready? 7 pounds, 10 ounces!! Woo-eee! She is such a big girl...she even has two little rolls on her thighs on each leg. It is very adorable! I will have to find a picture of myself when I was little and post it. Bree is really starting to look like I did when I was a baby. The only difference at this point between Bree and myself is that I was a regular chubby monster! (sorry Mom, but I was!) Bree is even starting to get little streaks of gold/brown in her gray blue eyes so I am hopeful that she will end up with hazel eyes and look even more like her Mama!

Bree's cough sounds so much more loose. She doesn't seem to have to cough as hard when she does cough, and she is being more awake for longer periods of time. She did last about 18 hours without her oxygen, but needed to have it put back on this afternoon. So, we will try again in a little bit. She is slowly getting stronger and it is exciting to see her healing. Thank you for all of your prayers and please continue to pray for her, and for our family. Hopefully we can go home in this coming week!

Hope this finds everyone happy, healthy, and in love with life!


Anonymous said...

Oh my, what great news. Both that Bree is doing better and that you have a better outlook today.(was worried about YOU)
The pictures are adorable.
Take good care. Continued prayers coming your way.
Love you all

Fiery said...

(((hugs))) What a difference a few days can make. I know it can be tough when the shadows descend. Though there always is that one little ray of light that will get us through. Continuing to pray for Bree