Friday, March 13, 2009


So, Adam really loves Curious George. As a small boy of 5, him and his family lived in a small town in Wisconsin where everyone knew everyone else. Well, Adam was shopping with his Mama and an old man saw them and said "How's it going George?" to Adam. Adam got REALLY angry (clenched his fists, face red) and said "MY NAME IS NOT GEORGE!!! IT'S ADAM!!!" So, since then his nickname has been George and to add insult to injury (ha ha) he has been given and collected curious george stuff. So, we found girl curious george pj's for Riley so we HAD to get them.

Adam picked those out to dress Riley in for bed last night. He got her all dressed, stood her up, she said "Ta-duh!" as usual, and then Adam (all seriously) asks, "Who's on your shirt Riley? Who's that right there?" We were expecting at least the monkey noise....well, we got "BOB!". That's right, BOB....Adam didn't get his hallmark moment, but we both got a good laugh out of it!

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