Monday, April 6, 2009

Humming in the night

Both the girls have been sick the last week, and last night Riley was woken up by the sound of the garage door opening when Adam left for work at 315 inthe morning. I let her try to fuss it out, but after a half an hour of crying she had worked herself into such a fit that she was coughing really hard in between crying. I went and got her, and brought her into bed with me.

We snuggled and with her little body pressed against mine, and her head resting on my arm I began to hum Brahm's Lullaby. (I have done this with both of my girls since they were born, so the tune is very familiar to them.) Like the sweet little girl that she is, Riley began to calm down and before I knew it I started to hear her humming as well. She was not humming the tune, but when I would hum I would hear her hum right after.

Our humming filled the room until she drifted off to sleep in my arms.

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