Friday, January 8, 2010

Bliggity Blog, Bloggity Blig.

I have not been feeling the blogging vibe lately. I think it is because my life is all filled up with plans, play dates, observations, and school work. It seems to suck all the creative, witty juices right outta me.

Here's our schedules right now:

Monday: Bree has therapy at 8. I observe at school from 8-12 while Adam is taking care of the girls.

Tuesday: School observing from 8-12

Wednesday: Bree has speech at 11.

Thursday: Bree has PT at 10.

Friday: I observe at school from 8 -12.

Now that I have written that out I can see that my afternoons are pretty free...Riley naps from 1-3 and Bree needs to eat at 8, 12, and 5. It doesn't allow for much "going" to happen in the afternoons so we are either at home, or up the road five houses at Anneke's house. After the girls go to bed I pick up the house, eat my dinner, get ready for bed and then do my schoolwork.

Life is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds pretty busy to me. Enjoy your life tho. The kids grow up so fast; as you have probably noticed. Besides all that, you have lots of shcool work and planning to do. oops, guess you mentioned school work. Love you

Marlene Ogden