Monday, January 4, 2010

Strike is over!

Ha ha, just kidding! I really wasn't on strike, I was just enjoying the time with my brother and sister while they were visiting. Next time I will be sure to let everyone know when I will be back as to not create any confusion or worry.

We had a great visit with my brother (Caleb) and my sister (Danielle) while they were here. They went home this afternoon despite Riley's attempt of keeping them here by refusing to give them goodbye hugs. Auntie stole a goodbye hug against Riley's will and Uncle Oo-bah just refused to deal with the screaming, crying, flailing rag doll of a two year old. (I have no idea why!??)

I thought it would be easier for Riley to see them off if we all went to the park before the time they needed to take off to burn off some extra energy and have a bit of fun. Then, when it was time for them to leave I could take the girls back home while Adam took Danielle and Caleb to the airport. I was right about the energy burning and the bit of fun, but was wrong about it making the goodbye part easier.

We did manage to get quite a few photos at the park though...hope you enjoy!


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