Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oh no! My teeth are all gone!

We have a picture up on the refrigerator of when Riley had turned one year old. (Our friend Carrie Fay took it!) Riley has a big cheesy grin on her face and she was so happy and giggling the time the picture was taken. However, Riley only had her two bottom teeth when she turned one an din the picture you can see that quite clearly.

Tonight when I was putting away dinner Riley was laying on her stomach looking at the pictures that were on the fridge. (Don't ask why she was laying on her stomach...I have no idea).  She saw the picture of herself when she was little and she exclaimed "MAMA!!! Oh no! My teeth are all gone!!!" I just busted up laughing and told her "I don't know, where'd they go?" She Said "I don't know Mama...I just don't know!" I just chuckled at her. She cracks me up.

She proceeded to carry around the picture for the next ten minutes looking at it and muttering to herself about her teeth.

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