Friday, October 16, 2009

WIC appt

Now don't get me wrong...WIC is great! We get free food because we are poor and it really does help out our grocery bill. They have even recently added to the list of items that you get and have included fresh fruits and vegetables and bread...which is an added plus!

However, since it is a state program they have mandated things they must do when a child turns of a certain age. For example, they are now giving Bree (because she is one) peanut butter, eggs, fresh fruits and veggies, cereal, but not milk or cheese because I told the lady that we are still giving her formula through her g-tube. I have no idea where the lady thinks I am going to stick peanut butter, eggs, cereal, or fruits and veggies...but Bree is allowed to have them! However, these are all things that Riley will eat too so it's not a big deal.

Of course, Bree has to see their nutritionist because she is 'small' for a one year old. Even though I explained the situation (she's was a micro preemie, blah blah blah) she said there is not a way she can mark that in Bree's file. We just have to see the nutritionist. Eek! However, the laugh I got out of today's visit was that when the lady asked "Does Bree have any medical conditions?" I rattled off the list of things "Born at 25 weeks 5 days, was a micro preemie so she has compromised lungs, acid reflux, cannot eat by mouth, is physically delayed....etc etc" I thought the ladies eyes were going to pop out of her head. I guess she is used to hearing "Nope" and just moving onto the next question.

What was Bree's weight you ask? It was 17 lbs and 5 ounces!And her height? That was 28.5 inches...whew I have got some tall girls on my hands! (they def get that from their Daddy!)

Now onto Riley...since Riley is two, they switched her from whole milk to 1%. I do not agree because she is a little skinny mini and I need her to get all the good fat and calories she can get! I am going to talk with the nutritionist about it when I go in next month. Besides that little disagreement Riley's portion of the visit went great! Riley weighs 25 lbs and 10 ounces and is 38.5 inches tall!

All in all, we have some healthy, but skinny, little girls! We are very blessed indeed!

1 comment:

Joy said...

hopefully the nutritionist will recognize that you likely know more about nutrition than SHE does and not give you any trouble.