Sunday, September 21, 2008

Update on "the mama"

Good morning again,

I just wanted to let everyone know how my healing is coming along...slowly but surely is the case here. I went in on Thursday to get my staples taken out and I was told that it would have to wait. I have a pocket of fluid built up behind my incision that they are worried might be infected. It is also causing quite a bit of swelling and that is why I could not have the staples taken out. If they took them out and the swelling got too bad it would split open my incision...ouch! So, they started me on an antibiotic, and the staples are staying in until Monday. It is quite uncomfortable, but I am making still goes on and things still need to be done.

Hope this finds everyone happy, healthy, and in love with life!


danielle said...

glad to hear you are hanging in there... i know that you are uncomfortable & that the sweeling is painful. hopefully the antibiotics help! are they going to drain the inciscion? =[

have a great day tasha, and try not to do too much, you know you need to heal properly!

Anonymous said...

Tasha ....You are amazing! You have such a wonderful outlook on life & I love that about you , you just roll with whatever God puts in front of you!

Praying for healing & strength for you & praying for your beautiful family too! : )
Thanks for your updates so we can keep praying specifically for your needs at the moment !
We are home today too! Daniel has an asthma flare up going on!
Have a restful peaceful day! Love you guys !