Monday, November 17, 2008

November 17, 2008

Good evening!

Our littlest monster is gaining weight like crazy! She is now 3 lbs 11 ounces! We are nearing the four pound mark...woo hoo! She nippled her entire feeding again today. She's up to 30 cc's a feeding...what a big girl! Tomorrow I am going in in the morning to sign for her to recieve her immunizations, and to hear their talk about them all....I am not sure if all of that is different with preemies, but we will see. It makes me a little nervous about putting something in her body that has the possibility of making her sick. We work so hard and pray so much for her continued health that it seems silly to inject her with stuff. However, I know it is for a good cause. It is just me having a "mommy moment" ("This is my baby! Don't touch it!!!!").

Last night, I was laying down and resting on the couch and Riley had come over to me. For some reason she decided to throw her head back against me as hard as she could. She caught me right on my lip!! It brought tears from me, and lots of ice right after! I had a swollen split fat lip for the rest of the night, and I have a nasty sore on the inside of my lip now. I know it won't be the last time my children contribute to an injury of mine, but it was for sure one of the most painful!!

Riley is learning animal noises as of lately. We have the monkey noise down..."ah-ah-ah". Mind you, this noise is not complete without bouncing up and down while you are making it. We are also working on the cow noise....if you say "mmmoooooooooo!" she will answer you with "mmmmmmm". I think the "ooo" part will follow one of these days.

"The itsy bitsy spider..." We all remember this childhood song, and we teach it to our children when they are small as well. Riley LOVES this song! She knows most of the hand motions..."The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout" part is executed perfectly..."down came the rain" is done great!. "And washed the spider out" is a little iffy. She just crosses her arms in front of her self. "Out came the sun and dried up all the rain" is just dancing (maybe she needs a break from all the seriousness??). "and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again" is once again...perfection! All this is followed by clapping, and the song is repeated. Over and over and over again....she never tires of it!

Hope this finds everyone happy, healthy, and in love with life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the dancin' part is "BREAK IT DOWN" lol Cant wait!!!