Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Ashley! It is my best friends birthday today and she turned the big 2-2!

In honor of her birthday, Bree had her first set of immunizations! Okay, so she didn't have them just for Ashley's birthday, but I will always remember this occasion when her birthday rolls around. :) Bree got some tylenol about a half an hour before her shot (it was a combo of like three different vaccinations). When she did get the shot, she did the silent cry-so-hard-you-can't-breathe for a good 10-15 seconds. I am not one to freak out about things, but she had me rubbing her head and telling her "Breathe, love, it's okay!". Her face turned a bright shade of purple, and when she finally caught her breath she was all tuckered out.

After she had a good rest, I was able to bottle feed her. She took her whole feeding like a champ! (30 cc's!!!) She is able to pace herself now, so she doesn't choke at all when she is eating. The speech therapist sat with me while she ate to make sure I was holding her the right way, and that she was latching onto the bottle okay. I was also told that I need to bring in the bottles that we will be using at home so she can get used to them before she goes home. This is the first time someone has mentioned her going home in a general sense so it was exciting to hear that! Since we are still using bottles with Riley, I will probably go pick up a few packs of bottles for Bree to have at the hospital so we aren't taking from our stash here at home. :)

After her feeding I needed to get going because I had told Aleasha I would be back around four to hang with her and pick up Riley. I got Bree all settled in her bed, but she kept spitting up. I sat her up and was wiping her mouth when she started getting really fussy. Out of curiosity, I checked her diaper....yup! Poop! and lots of it! I changed her britches, and got her all settled in snug and cozy while her nurse, Becky weighed her diaper. 22 grams of poop! 30 grams is an ounce, so that was a lot for a little girl.

Thinking that her acid reflux was bothering her, I put her in her bouncy seat sitting up. Since it is outside of her isolette she needed another blanket so I went and got one. While tucking it around her, my littlest monsters face turned red and I heard a little bubbly fart. Ugh! I got her out of her seat, back on the bed...and yup! More poop! and even more of it! I got all the 'supplies' gathered (diaper, wipes) and went about changing it. I wiped her little toosh, and got a second wipe. While wiping for the second time she pushed out a whole nother load right onto the wipe I was holding! I gasped in surprise and both nurses who were in the room rushed over thinking something was wrong. When they found out what happened, they all cracked up. Guess how much all that poo weighed? 28 grams!!!! Our kiddo pooped out about 2 whole ounces today! Jeez!

Now some of you who are reading and don't have kids probably are thinking I am either gross, have a sick mind, or just have issues and am obsessed with my kid's poop. Trust me, once you have kids, you will talk about poop, rejoice when your kid does poop, and worry when they don't. You will even discuss their 'poop habits' with friends. Just trust me on this one. :)

Hope this finds everyone happy, healthy and in love with life!


Anonymous said...

I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this post. Ha!! Bree...you little poop machine...good job! I love that they are starting to mention what to do when she gets home. What an uplifting thought. You're doing great Tasha. Big hugs!


Anonymous said...

Ha.. I love this post. I totally understand the excitement of poop while in the nicu. Some of the many questions I would ask is "did katie make today".. lol
Its really true.. every child is different and a whole different set of milestones. :-)

Fiery said...

~ chuckles~ This post had me in tears laughing... Beyond Parents, Doctors and EC Teachers the whole meaning of a BM is truely lost...