Thursday, August 27, 2009

An adventurous day!

(Disclaimer: So, you all know me pretty well by now. I have a bit of a sarcastic side to me. The title of this blog is meant to be sarcastic.)

Let's begin this story in the wee hours of the morning. That's right Folks! 2 AM! I awoke to the sound of Bree throwing up in her bed coming over the monitor. (For the past two weeks Bree has been a bit of a medical mystery. She has been throwing up unexplainably, been fussy (which is out of character), and had some heavy breathing at times). After getting her cleaned up, and back down in a clean bed (without her nighttime feed to possibly curb more upchuck) I headed back to bed. Bree fussed and was up until 3, so we didn't drift off to sleep until after then.

When the sunlight crept over our back wall around 6, the girls and I were up and dressed already! I was trying to change the TV over to where Riley could watch a movie and to do that I had to stand on a chair due to how our living room is set up. While I was stepping off of the chair I came down on a wooden toy car and hurt my left foot. I worked on getting Bree ready for therapy by feeding her for the morning. Since she had thrown up in the night I figured I would break her feed up into two portions to make it easier on her tummy. Right after the first half of her feed, she threw half of it up!

I called and canceled her therapy, and made an appt with the pediatrician. Our good friend Aleasha was able to watch Riley for me so that I did not have to cart around an antsy toddler with me.So off to the pediatrician we went! While there our P.A. was worried about the possibility of pneumonia so I was told that we needed to get Bree a chest x ray. The first office I went to told me that their x ray machine was down for at least an hour and a half but I was welcome to wait. No thank you! So off to another office of theirs I went.

After checking in, and being called back I got Bree out of the car seat. The x ray technician told me to go ahead and sit Bree on the table she had set up. I told her Bree doesn't sit up, and she goes "Not even a little? Can't you support her?" I explained that if I did that she would not get a very good x ray because she is a bit too wobbly. I did explain Bree's background at that point and she offered to switch up the x ray machine so that Bree could lay down.

Finally x ray was done and Bree and I were headed back to Aleasha's to pick up Riley. After a successful visit and pickup we were headed home for nap. Finally, the day was slowing down a bit. We had Bree's therapist over at 3 and during that visit the pediatrician called to let me know the results of Bree's x ray. It showed that she has streaks of opacity in her lungs (shadows) and it showed that her bronchial walls were inflamed. All signs point towards some sort of virus, so we are going to be doing three breathing treatments a day for the next week. If no improvement in a week, we will be headed back to the doctor.

In other news, my left foot is swollen, bruised, and hurts to walk on. If it is not better after some ice and R&R, off to the doctor I will head!

Tonight, I hope we all sleep well...nighty night, sleep tight!

1 comment:

theamaros said...

Sorry to hear Bree is under the weather! (And sorry to hear about your foot!) Hopefully everyone heals quickly...!